Why I Keep this Blog

When I first discovered my dietary restrictions, I felt deprived, but then I discovered that all Baby Boomers, in fact people of most ages, should probably be eating the same way to ensure a long, healthy life, and that I can still eat and cook very good food.

I don't even bother to go down many isles of the grocery store any more. Most of what I cook and eat is fresh. Very, very little is pre-prepared, and anytime I buy anything already processed, I read the label to inspect every ingredient that goes into it before it goes into me.

But I eat very well. These are recipes that fit into my diet. If you enjoy them, welcome to my collection. Cheers!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

The Dukan Diet

So . . .  He posts a "slimming secret on his site every day, so I will harvest the ones I think will work for me.  I think I'll LIKE this one!

Slimming secret of Dr Pierre Dukan

Speed up your weight loss with oat bran tabouleh

Speed up your weight loss with oat bran tabouleh
A "joker" dish in case your motivation drops.
You are dieting and you'd like to lose lots of pounds, you can see that you are shedding them but you want to speed it up? You've reached a bit of a low ebb and your motivation isn't quite as high?…

Try this solution. For us tabouleh is often a sort of cold couscous with a few vegetables and lots of olive oil. Real tabouleh, Lebanese tabouleh, has very little bulghur wheat - cracked wheat - but loads of parsley. This is what I am suggesting you try.

If you are on your own: finely chop a bunch of parsley, half a bunch of coriander and half a bunch of mint. Dice one small onion and one tomato and squeeze the juice of one lemon. Mix it all together in a large bowl and keep this in the fridge. When you are about to serve the tabouleh add two table spoons of oat bran.
Try it at lunchtime 2 to 3 days running and you'll discover why parsley is the most sought after plant, full of carotene and natural vitamin C (i.e. not the kind you find in tablets).

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