Why I Keep this Blog

When I first discovered my dietary restrictions, I felt deprived, but then I discovered that all Baby Boomers, in fact people of most ages, should probably be eating the same way to ensure a long, healthy life, and that I can still eat and cook very good food.

I don't even bother to go down many isles of the grocery store any more. Most of what I cook and eat is fresh. Very, very little is pre-prepared, and anytime I buy anything already processed, I read the label to inspect every ingredient that goes into it before it goes into me.

But I eat very well. These are recipes that fit into my diet. If you enjoy them, welcome to my collection. Cheers!

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Another Dr. Dukan Recipe: Flan!!


Preparation time: 20 minutes Cooking time: 45 minutes Serves 6. Attack Phase PP days


3 cups of oat bran
2 whole eggs + 2 egg whites
1L skimmed milk
1 tbsp of Vanilla flavouring
½ cup Splenda Granulated Sweetener XyloSweet

Preheat the oven to 180°C / Gas 4.
In a medium mixing bowl, combine the oat bran and Splenda. Add the eggs, egg whites & vanilla. Mix until well combined and smooth. Add the milk 1 cup at a time, stirring well after each addition. Once all combined, pour into a non stick oven proof dish and bake for 45 minutes.
Let cool and serve.


  1. Hi Susan
    Just a quick question, I'm using the Splenda at the mo but why did you replace it with XyloSweet in the recipe? xx

  2. Because Splenda kills the bugs in your belly. Keeping the culture of bugs there in balance is very important to health and weight and keeping off belly fat. Read about probiotics. XyloSweet is very expensive. I buy it at Whole Foods. It has some calories, but negative impact as sugar. It's a sugar alcohol. But I don't use all that much, so I think it's worth it. I need to create a presentation on all of this, and I will do so eventually and post it out here.

  3. Curious about the amount of oat bran. 3 US measurement cups of oat bran comes out to 48 tbs, which is 24 of the daily 2 tbs servings, not 6. What is the volume in ml that you mean by "cup"? If you make this with 3/4 American cup (180 ml), which is also 12 tbs, it comes out to that 6 2 tbs servings of oat bran. I've also considered that the 3 by itself may be a typo where the rest of the fraction got left off.
